Our Team

If you are a little old fashioned like us, and if you care about saving your grandparents’ lost knowledge, then you’ve come to the right place.

A word about our founding members:  

Claude Davis – Claude is a Wild West History Expert who, most of his life learned and preserved the true values and skills of our great grandfathers. He says: “What was “daily life” for the people who wandered the west we now called survival skills”. He is also the editor-in-chief of Ask a Prepper, a website where you can ask him anything about prepping and survival, free of any charge.

Susan Morrow – From Stocksfield, United Kingdom, Susan not only helped us write some of the most comprehensive chapters in The Lost Ways, but she lives the ways of our grandparents. Among other things, Susan is a chemist who has been tracking and isolating the substances with healing properties found in plants. You may want to read her chapters from The Lost Ways about plants, herbs, poultices and tinctures.

Erik Bainbridge – From San Francisco California, is a native American who has helped tremendously in the reconstruction of the native American village of Kule Loklo. As a volunteer, his goal is to save and preserve the native American traditions and skills. Skills that may come again handy someday. From him you will learn in The Lost Ways how to build the subterranean roundhouse, a structure that can serve as a root cellar and shelter for many.

Ferguson Mason – He started out with the Officer Training Corps, moving on to a Territorial Army reserve infantry company, then finally spending 14 years as a Regular. His military journey was a long and varied one, and there were plenty moments of high tension and drama along the way. Lost some friends along the way and almost died. Soldiers think about survival a lot. What Ferguson discovered is that there are a lot of skills of our grandparents that he used along the way. And many of them are found inside The Lost Ways.

Theresa Demario - From Elizabethtown, Kentucky, Theresa is living the old ways of our grandparents. As a homesteader she preserves all the food produce year-round. She is an avid history learner and wrote a chapter in The Lost Ways about food preservation where she added lots of pictures too.